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General knowledge quiz
Who sang the famous song "Disco Inferno" (1978)?
A company takes 10% commission. How much do they make on three sales of £500 each?
Slumber Party Barbie released in 1965 came with a tiny book that was actually titled what?
4053+2706+1359 equals what number?
Who sang the famous song "Thank You (Fallettin Me Be Mice Elf Again) / Everybody Is A Star" (1970)?
If you are 22 years old. How old will you be in 17 years time?
Bob is 25, John is 24 and Fred is 31. What is their combined age?
If 2 sets of twins each gave birth to triplets, how many babies would they have between them?
Where would have someone described as an able seaman work?
Whose daughter directed the 2009 film, Surveillance?
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Extremely Hard History Quiz, most people score only 3 out of 10.
Can you beat the score of this nurse?