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Who or what am I?
There have been several films based on me, including "Psycho" and "The Texas Chainsaw", who am I?
I wrote a "Sex" book in the 1990's and sang "Like a Virgin" and "Material Girl", who am I?
I was a bad girl in "The Craft" and starred in a teen drama on TV, who am I?
I'm the hero of the "Halo" series and I wear green body armor. Who am I?
I said, "A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject." Who am I?
Who is the actress that tripped over Emma Stone's gown on-stage during the 2015 Screen Actor's Guild Awards?
I helped create the first library, who am I?
What is the decision of a jury called?
What is musician Freddie Mercury's real name?
Who said, "Honest differences are often a healthy sign of progress."?
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Who or what am I?