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Who sang these songs from the 20s?
Who sang the famous song "Brakeman's Blues" in 1928?
Who sang the famous song "Look For The Silver Lining" in 1920?
Who sang the famous song "When Buddha Smiles" in 1921?
Who sang the famous song "Deep In My Heart" in 1924?
Who sang the famous song "Two Black Crows, Parts 1 & 2 (The Early Bird Catches The Worm)" in 1927?
Who sang the famous song "Piccolo Pete" in 1929?
Who sang the famous song "Covered Wagon Days" in 1924?
Who sang the famous song "Rose Marie" in 1925?
Who sang the famous song "Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life" in 1928?
Who sang the famous song "That Tumble-Down Shack in Athlone" in 1920?
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